Tuesday, May 17, 2011

30 Week Update

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along:  30 weeks
Size of baby: Emersyn is around the size of a head of cabbage.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am not too sure, I never checked.
Maternity Clothes: Shorts and t-shirts.
Gender: Girl!! Emersyn Ryleigh
Movement: All the time. Today she found my ribs. 
Sleep: No change. I am still sleepy.
What I miss: Being able to sleep on my back, stomach and right side. I still do, but I am making a conscious effort to sleep on my left side.
Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary
Symptoms:  I am still tired. Each day I feel more and more pregnant. It wasn't until this past week that I actually felt uncomfortable.
Highlights: This past weekend we had our family and friends baby shower. We were thrilled to see everyone and to have everyone there to help us celebrate this momentus time in our lives. We sure feel loved.

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